
The Issue

Water is a staple of our day to day lives. We drink it, cook with it, use it to clean, use it to farm, use it to provide for our pets and livestock, and for much much more. Many of us don't think about conserving water, as there doesn’t seem to be a shortage anywhere. So why should we save water?

Reason #1: Water is Finite

People tend to think we won't run out of water due to the fact that there is a seemingly endless supply in the oceans. However, ocean water is not safe to drink. 97% of Earth's water is saltwater, leaving only 3% freshwater. 2.5% of the remaining freshwater is inaccessible, as it is stuck in glaciers and ice caps, leaving only a mere 0.5% of Earth's water usable.

Reason #2: Saving Water Saves Money

As time passes, everything seems to get more expensive, especially water. The more water you use the higher your water bill will be, so conserving water leaves you with more money in the bank. Due to this fact, saving water is basically increasing your paycheck each month.

Reason #3: Saving Water Protects Nature

Humans aren't the only ones that need water; all other forms of life do. Without water, we would have no plants or animals, which leaves us with no birdwatching, fishing, or forests. In addition, this would mean natural beauties such as rivers and lakes would be gone as well. Conserving water ensures we will have all these wonders of nature for generations to come.

How Do I Save Water?

Now that we know why conserving water is important, you may be wondering how you can conserve water yourself. The amount of different ways are endless, but two of the most important are checking all of your appliances for leaks and setting timers for your automatic appliances, like hoses and fountains. To continue learning about more specific tips, see below for information about how to save water indoors, outdoors, or in a general manner.